Cooperative Living: Week 6

Ongoing Journey of Living in an Anarchist and Activist Collective

Annie Windholz
3 min readSep 11, 2017

On Monday I worked on my grant writing class and my social media class. Later that evening I had an organizing call to plan for the DACA rally on Tuesday. After I had a meeting with CIVIC (Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement) with updates about the phone hotline that I volunteer for weekyl that is open to immigrants in detention centers to report abuses and get help.

On Tuesday I attended the DACA Rally in (read In Solidarity with All Undocumented People) , followed by a hearing at the county courthouse (read “The Hole” equates to Torture). Later that night I attended a two hour planning meeting for a local activist group, completing an action packed day. Somewhere in all of that my housemate made awesome vegan pizza with nutritional yeast and ground sunflower seed Parmesan.

Wednesday I attended my internship at the local refugee resettlement agency, and then joined a community meeting for the Rapid Response team, which seeks to create a plan of action against immigrant deportations.

Thursday I attended the Citizen Review Board for the police force in the city (read A Better Blue). We harvested veggies from the garden, and one of our roommates made lasagna. Later we all sat around the campfire and talked politics for a bit.

Friday we drove to Rochester, and helped Carp’s mom move into her new apartment with Francis the cat. We got there a little bit early with the cat, and so Carp, Francis and I all hung out in a beer garden and got a few drinks.

We spent all day Saturday moving boxes across town, and playing with Francis.

Ben also made a delicious chickpea flour vegan omlette for brunch.

We got back late Saturday night, then woke up early Sunday morning for our monthly house meeting. During the day I went to an activist meetings and then that evening we had our regular Sunday potluck. Carp’s friend from Bangladesh joined us all for dinner of gnocchi.

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